Here's basically a list of some of the worst websites I've found while on the web, in no particular order. Seriously, what were these people thinking making sites looking like this?

Not sure what this site is about, although it has a lot of burly, black men on it. Seriously though, epileptics BEWARE. This site makes you feel like you've just taken a load of some crazy drug and are on some insane trip. The after-images of those brightly coloured polygons are still burned into my retinas.

This next site might require you to take motion sickness pills before you look at it. A rainbow background may seem like a pretty idea, but in reality, you're just going to make your readers vomit over their computers, something that funnily enough, is not what most web designers aim to do. Is this what Jesus would do?

Why agonize over going for a one, two or three column layout, when you can have 7?! It's made even easier by having something like 6 or 7 navigation bars.

Seriously, have these people even looked at their site? How can you manage to have so much stuff overlapping and mixing together? It looks like something that a four year old would make.

Apparently (after I had to highlight the text to read it) this site is 'always under construction'. Well then, at least enable me to read that it is under construction. Why is that face in the background smiling? It should be crying if it's on that god awful site.

And that's it for part 1 of my 'how not to design a website', ladies and gents. Check back soon for part 2!
EDIT: Here's part 2 of my top 10 website design fails.