Top 10 website design fails part 2
Posted by davo | 10:59 | fail, funny, random, websites | 0 comments »Eventually got round to writing up the last bit of this top 10 website design fail list. Again, not in any particular order, each site has it's own relative crappyness. If you haven't already, check out the the first part of my top 10 website fails list.
The first site on part 1 was a danger to epileptics, and, continuing the trend, this one's left sidebar would send you into epilepsy mode. Did 'Franz' (don't know who he is, but you sure won't miss his name plastered all over this page), really need to make the home icon flash like a strobe light? Not a very good design tactic if half your visitors end up in hospital, but then, the site doesn't seem to be the most useful.
Top 10 website design fails part 1
Posted by davo | 11:59 | fail, funny, random, websites | 0 comments »Here's basically a list of some of the worst websites I've found while on the web, in no particular order. Seriously, what were these people thinking making sites looking like this?
Not sure what this site is about, although it has a lot of burly, black men on it. Seriously though, epileptics BEWARE. This site makes you feel like you've just taken a load of some crazy drug and are on some insane trip. The after-images of those brightly coloured polygons are still burned into my retinas.
Why agonize over going for a one, two or three column layout, when you can have 7?! It's made even easier by having something like 6 or 7 navigation bars.
And that's it for part 1 of my 'how not to design a website', ladies and gents. Check back soon for part 2!
EDIT: Here's part 2 of my top 10 website design fails.
Ok, for my first post I thought I'd show you these general Internet failures.
First off, we've got this SEO blackmail letter (don't what SEO is, you're an idiot. Nah, just check out this SEO article). The guy who wrote this would be literally the world's worst gangster; "Excuse me, please shut down your shop. 'Cos we want more customers. Thanks". Not hugely convincing. Apart from the line where he threatens to sue the website owner if they don't remove their site from Google's listings. Funnily enough, you can't blackmail people to take their site off Google. Strange that.
Congratulations on being one of the first victi--- I mean visitors to my blog. Here you'll find a load of funny stuff (well, it was either funny at the time, or I thought it was funny) including internet fails, computing fails and general failing. There'll be some other random stuff that I find on my travels about the 'net, so check back often for some craaaazzzyyyy updates. Hope to see ya' around.